You’re Superior To 99% Of People

Wake up.

Hit snooze 3 times.

Scroll on Tiktok for half an hour.

Get out of bed.

Get stuck in traffic.

Work for 8 hours on a job you hate.

Get stuck in traffic, again.

Order junk food.

Scroll on Tiktok again.

Binge-watch Netflix for 3 hours.

Pass out.


This is now considered a normal life. This is your competition.

For a moment, I want you to think about the average person’s life and keep that idea in your mind.

What are they doing every single day?

Do they like what they do?

Would their 80-year-old self be happy and fulfilled?

Are they living up to their potential?

Chances are, they aren’t.

These are questions you need to ask yourself.

Do you want this kind of life?

Do you want to live the life others impose on you?

If you’re reading this letter, chances are you don’t. You probably want something better, something out of the norm.

You can’t follow the same path everyone took, expecting to get different results.

You see…

Most people are insane.

They do the same things over and over expecting different results.

They see people around them who haven’t achieved what they want in life and blindly follow their advice.

Does this make sense to you?

Why are you listening to people who aren’t where you want to be?

Now, this is not me telling you to shit on your parents.

Listen to them, and love them, but also take into account different ideas and contrast those against theirs. Critical thinking is key.

Now, back to the topic.

You want to achieve something out of the norm.

You want to break your family’s curses.

You want extraordinary results, and for those you need extraordinary actions.

What do the people who rarely achieve anything have in common?

They follow the herd.

They do what everyone else has been doing for years now.

You need to get out of the cycle, to do something different.

It takes courage to break the norm, but it is rewarding as fuck.

Now, chances are you’re probably already on the journey of becoming your best version, in your self-mastery journey, doing what most people won’t.

Things like going to the gym or meditating, things that to guys on self-improvement are basic, for most people are out of reach.

But this is the thing most people don’t understand.

To get what most people want, you need to do what most people won’t.

Be better 1% every single day.

Go to the gym.


Build a business.

Learn new skills.

These things will separate you from the 99%.

You’ll immediately be better than most people.

And if you’re consistent, you probably will achieve what you want and live up to your human potential.

So if you’re already on this journey, make sure you keep going.

You can only lose if you stop trying.

If you liked this letter, please let me know so I can keep making content like this.

If you didn’t, also let me know what you didn’t like so I can improve my content for you.

In both cases, thank you for reading this letter. You’re a G.

PS - If you liked this, you’ll probably like the rest of my stuff, go check it out here.

That is all from me.

Tu amigo,

- Manuel


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