- Manuel's Letter
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- Not Cleaning Your Room Is Costing You Money
Not Cleaning Your Room Is Costing You Money

Picture this:
You’re on your sweaty bed sheets mindlessly scrolling on Tiktok at 3 am.
You were supposed to go to bed early today.
You promised yourself you were gonna do it this time, but you failed yourself like you always do.
Scroll after scroll, you stumble upon one of those motivation videos you get on your FYP.
A David Goggins video…
“You’re a loser! Get up motherfucker, stay hard!”
You say to yourself: “Why is this bald mf telling me what to do?”
But you realize he’s right.
You’re indeed a loser.
You look around your smelly and unorganized room and realize that he is right.
“What the fuck am I doing with my life?”
Now you’re mad.
So you get off your phone and start doing pushups while you repeat in your head:
“I’m going to change my life, I can’t keep living like this.”
Now it’s on.
You got the drive.
You finally got that drive that we all get sometimes.
That drive to work on yourself and turn your life around.
So you get to work.
You sit down and start trying to focus.
But as soon as you do it…
There’s a sticky layer of dust on everything.
Your room smells like sweat.
You have tissues on your desk.
Your keyboard is sticky from eating while you binge-watch YouTube videos and type on it with your dirty hands.
You can’t stop staring at that stain that has been on your wall for 2 years now.
Now, be honest with yourself.
Can ANYBODY focus on those conditions?
Any of the guys you follow who earn $10k or more, those $10k that YOU want SO bad.
Would any of them be working in an environment like that?
Would any of them be typing on a sticky keyboard or working at a dirty desk?
I’m not gonna tell you that you need the standing desk, the ergonomic chair and mouse, or a diffuser.
Those things are great to have, but they’re not mandatory.
All you need is a desk, a chair, and a laptop. That’s all it takes.
The material stuff makes your work better, but it isn’t mandatory.
But having a clean workspace is, and I don’t care what anybody tells you.
Your Room Is A Reflection Of Yourself
We all know that saying that your environment, that is, your room and your house, is a reflection of yourself.
Well, it is true.
You’ll never meet a person who has their life together, and that is unorganized.
Not only in the personal sense, that is how they dress and how they look.
But in how everywhere they frequent is.
Their car, their house, their room, their workspace.
They make sure everything is looking crisp.
It not only is more pleasant to be in a clean environment.
It not only makes you more productive.
It is a sign of self-respect.
It makes you feel better, be more confident, and respect yourself more.
Try this:
Go for a whole week being super organized.
And then come back and tell me you don’t feel better.
No shit you will.
Why would you feel good when your room looks like a dumpster and smells like a wet dog?
Do it, and tell me you don’t feel more confident.
I’m pretty sure you will, and it will become an addictive feeling that you will never want to stop.
Clear Workspace = Clear Mind

Business success boils down to one single thing: decision-making.
Decision-making is a meta-skill that everyone should strive to improve.
How good your decision-making is, will determine how successful you become.
Make it your priority to have a clear mind.
When you have a clear mind, you make better decisions.
When you make better decisions, you make more money.
A clean workspace helps with that.
“But but bro, Albert Einstein and Mark Twain used to have a messy workspace bro”
You’re not Albert Einstein, and you’re probably not a genius.
Pipe down and clean your workspace.
Keep both your physical and digital spaces organized.
Help your brain stay clear.
It will make wonders, trust me.
Action Steps
Two quick action steps to help you start being more organized:
1) Clean Your Room Daily
Make sure that every single day your room and your workspace are clean.
You do not need to thoroughly clean everything every single day.
Cleaning your desk, taking your clothes to the laundry, and making sure your room doesn’t smell weird is more than enough.
This alone will make you more productive daily.
2) Clean Your Room Weekly
Select a day of the week (in my case Sundays) to clean your room completely.
Remove the dust, clean your screens, sweep and mop the floor, spray a little bit of air freshener, etc.
This is up to you and your workspace requirements, but the idea still applies.
By doing this every week, you remove the need to do it during the week, allowing you to work on what moves the needle.
If you do these two things, I can guarantee you will feel more confident and get more done every day.
Being clean and organized is a key part of self-improvement, so make sure you don’t skip it.
If you liked this letter, please let me know so I can keep making content like this.
If you didn’t, also let me know what you didn’t like so I can improve my content for you.
In both cases, thank you for reading this letter. You’re a G.
PS - If you liked this, you’ll probably like the rest of my stuff, go check it out here.
That is all from me.
Tu amigo,
- Manuel