- Manuel's Letter
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- How I Stopped Giving A FUCK (The Gate To A Better Life)
How I Stopped Giving A FUCK (The Gate To A Better Life)

That personal brand that you wanted to start.
That agency you wanted to start.
That dropshipping store you always dreamed about having.
What was the main thing between you and your dream life?
There are lots of things but…
What was the main thing stopping you from doing it?
What’s the reason you’ve told yourself to cope?
Was it time?
Mmm not really, right?
There are plenty of people going to college who did it.
There are plenty of people working a 9-5 who did it.
There are plenty of people doing BOTH who did it.
So what was the barrier between you and your dream life?
Most of the time, it is not taking action.
But it goes WAYYY deeper than that…
There’s always a reason for not taking action.
You’re scared about what people will think about you.
Most people don’t fear failure itself, they fear how people will think about them if they fail.
What would my parents think if I failed?
What would my friends think if I failed?
What would strangers think if I failed?
These are all questions we’ve all asked ourselves.
Shit, I spent 4 months procrastinating my first tweet, can you believe that?
4 months in the trash because I was too worried about what anyone would think about me.
99% of the time, this isn’t YOU overthinking, it’s your monkey brain.
Your Monkey Brain Telling You What To Do
It is a well-known fact that the human brain, despite so much progress, is still the same brain that our ancestors had 300,000 years ago.
We haven’t evolved that much yet.
Crazy, right?
This means that despite all humankind’s progress, we still think and act like monkeys.
It means that most of our thoughts are not voluntary.
Neither are most of our decisions.
We are still primed to chase our primitive needs.
That is food, shelter, sex, safety, etc. (If you’re interested in reading more about this, check Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.)
We are wired to survive. And in that chase of survival, we realized it was easier to do it with other people, rather than alone.
That’s when tribes entered the equation.
We, modern humans, still have that tribal need imprinted in our brains.
It is one of the biggest reasons we want to fit in.
No one likes to feel left out.
That’s the reason why you do stuff that you don’t even like.
Most people don’t like clubbing.
Clubs are just a place full of drugged and drunk people that are there trying to fuck each other and fit in (and I say this as someone that loves to party.)
Yet you go clubbing because if you don’t, you’re afraid your friends will leave you or call you a loser.
The same principle applies to drugs, social media, and drinking.
We need a sense of belonging (a healthy one).
That’s why building a tribe-like community online is so profitable nowadays.
Guys like Hamza are making more money than ever because they know how to exploit this.
Once I knew this, that’s when I stopped giving a fuck about what most people think about me.
It is fucking hard because as I just said, we need others and we need their validation.
But this quote by Alex Hormozi changed my perspective on caring about other’s opinions:
Don’t be afraid of what other people think. If someone won’t speak at your funeral, you shouldn’t care about their opinion while you’re alive. Honor the few who believe in you by having courage.
Hits hard, huh?
So go out there and honor those few who believe in you, and fuck everyone else.
What Would You Achieve If You Could Fail In Private?
People get hooked on things like videogames because of a lot of reasons.
But two of them are pretty related to the stuff I’ve mentioned.
They allow you to feel progress and level up. Which is a human innate desire.
They allow you to achieve that progress without the risks that come with failure.
If you die inside a video game, it isn’t that big of a deal. Just reset and keep playing.
Real life is not like that, or at least not that simple.
Success is a byproduct of a bunch of failures stacked.
You progress in the gym because you first allow yourself to suck.
The same goes for business or content creation.
You gotta suck first.
The thing is, we don’t want to feel vulnerable.
Failure itself is not that scary.
You are not that afraid of that video underperforming, you’re afraid of who’s going to see that failure.
You’re afraid of people saying:
“Who’s that loser bro, he really is making videos for 10 people”
But you know what?
Everyone is scared. Even the guys you put on a pedestal are scared of failure.
I postponed making my first tweet for like 4 months because I was afraid I was gonna look like a dumbass.
Then I did it.
I still looked like a dumbass, but now I was a dumbass making progress.
Failure is something you have to deal with.
It is the gatekeeper of success.
It is the dragon you have to kill to get the princess.
Don’t let it stop you from getting the life that you want.
Stop being afraid of looking like a dumbass.
Understand this:
No one cares about anybody but themselves.
We tend to overestimate how much people give or not give a fuck about us.
Only when you understand this you’ll have the freedom to live the life that you want.
Stop giving a fuck MOFO.
How To Fix This?
Kill fear with action. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Whenever your monkey mind starts telling you:
“This is too hard. Maybe it would be better to stop making content and play some videogames”
“People are gonna read this and they’re gonna laugh at you, don’t post it.”
Let your brain know it can’t get away from pain that easily.
Fear of failure hits you? Make a tweet, send a cold DM.
You made a YouTube video and it got 2 views? Make another video.
You made a Tweet and it got 1 like? Make another tweet.
You sent a cold Loom and got told to fuck off? Send another 10 looms.
Stop letting your monkey brain and fear stop you from having what you always dreamed of, and STOP BEING A PUSS*.
If you liked this letter, please let me know so I can keep making content like this.
If you didn’t, also let me know what you didn’t like so I can improve my content for you.
In both cases, thank you for reading this letter. You’re a G.
PS - If you liked this, you’ll probably like the rest of my stuff, go check it out here.
That is all from me.
Tu amigo,
- Manuel