Do This Simple Habit And Crush Your Mornings

You wake up.

You want to crush your day.

But when you want to burst out of bed, you face a lot of friction.

This could be because of a lot of things.

Maybe you’re tired.

Maybe you don’t know what to do when you do get up.

Whatever the reason is, having a set of actions that you do after waking up can help A LOT.

In my case, I do the following:

  1. Get out of bed.

  2. Clean my dog’s bowls and give him food and clean water.

  3. Refill my water bottle.

  4. Take a cold shower.

  5. Work.

That’s it.

Super simple yet effective.

But between action 4 and 5, there’s a big problem that I used to face and I know people that also do.

Picking your clothes.

It not only takes time to do every day, but it also creates unnecessary friction in your mornings.

Because now you not only have to take them out, but pick clothes that go together and that you like.

It happened to me too.

When going to school, picking what I wanted to wear was the thing that slowed me the most every single morning.

But in 6th grade, I found the perfect solution for the problem.

That is, picking your outfit a day before.

To me, it was a life changer.

I am one of those people who is very picky with what they wear.

Because of this, I used to spend so much time picking clothes every morning.

Not only would I be late for school sometimes, but also I would dread getting ready every morning.

But once I started picking everything the day before and leaving it in the chair next to my bed, my mornings improved drastically.

That habit stuck, and now I can’t go a day without doing it, no matter where I am.

If you are one of those people who go to the gym in the mornings, or on a walk like I do sometimes, this habit makes it so much easier. There’s 0 friction.

So if you want to make your mornings easier, make sure you leave your clothes ready the day before.

Especially if you’re one of those people who take a lot of time picking clothes.

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PS - If you liked this, you’ll probably like the rest of my stuff, go check it out here.

That is all from me.

Tu amigo,
- Manuel


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